Undergraduate and Graduate Courses

Graduate Courses

In this course, we discuss the concepts of instrumentation with application to the medical instrumentation. This course illustrates the interdisciplinary nature of bioinstrumentation … (more)

Nonlinear Control

This is a graduate level course (the first one) in the nonlinear control systems theory, and is designed for the graduate students of Applied Mechanics … (more)


This is a graduate level course (the first one) in the Mechatronics systems, and is designed for the graduate students of Mechatronics; other graduate students of Applied Mechanics may take this course as well … (more)

Undergraduate Courses
Automatic Control

This is an undergraduate course focusing on feedback control of linear systems. Students are recommended to take this course in sixth or seventh semester … (more)

Introduction to Mechatronics

As an undergraduate course, Introduction to Mechatronics is recommended to senior students who are interested in being familiar to mechatronics systems … (more)

Dynamics of Machinery

This is an undergraduate course focusing on kinematics and dynamics of planar mechanisms and machines. Students are recommended to take this course in fourth semester … (more)